About the School
Freeport Elementary School instructs students in PreKindergarten through Fourth Grade. Our Special Areas include Physical Education, Art, and Music. We are located in the middle of Walton County along with Freeport Middle and High School.
Mission Of Freeport Elementary
Freeport Elementary School’s mission is to develop collaborative relationships among the administrators, staff, parents and students so that maximum potential will be met by every child.
Additional Information
Report Cards
Report cards are issued every nine weeks using the grading scale printed on the report card. Report cards are sent home to the parent/guardian to be signed and returned to school. Interim reports of unsatisfactory and/or satisfactory progress shall be taken home during the 4th week of the current grading period. Should there be any questions about the report card or interim report, the teacher should be contacted.
Grading Scale
To improve accuracy and effectiveness in grading, document student progress and inform instruction, the point system will be utilized to determine your child’s nine weeks, semester, and yearly averages.
A 100-90 Outstanding Progress
B 89-80 Above Average Progress
C 79-70 Average Progress
D 69-60 Lowest Acceptable Progress
F < 59 Failure
I Incomplete
Focus Connection – Online Parent Portal
The Walton County School District is now offering parents access to their children’s information. Your connection to students’ education/academic information is available online.
Step 1: To register for the Parent Portal please visit the following link:
Step 2: Once the registration process has been completed, you will have to present yourself, with at least one photo ID, to your students’ school office for approval. Once your request has been approved, you will have access to the Parent Portal at the following site: